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Every Monday I wake up and say y the hell do I need to go school it’s so gay
But I need to go to school to get an education but each and every day I wish for spring vacation
First is homeroom seeing the terds face is a big disgrace?
Then comes 2nd 3rd and fourth then is fifth
With Mr. Conklin talking bout drugs next comes lunch the best period
Hanging out with friend’s eaten lunch many jokes and secrets nothing could beat it
Then goes 6th 7th and 8th flex is great
After comes sports best part of the day shoot in some hoops swoosh
School isn’t terrible it’s the way life goes
Rate it if u think school isn’t that bad... please don’t steal I worked hard on it
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Every Monday I wake up and say y the hell do I need to go school

0 faves · Dec 28, 2008 6:28pm




