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i have this friend. shes so gorgeous but like anyother, she doesnt know it. i wish she could see what i see. when she walks down the hall way she is glowing. her bad hair days are my good hair days. i have to admit it, i would give anything to look like her. she is tall, brunette, brown eyes, perfect skin, perfect hair and she doesnt even need makeup to look beautiful. gosh, i would kill for her looks. everyone loves her. when her name is mentioned everybody's eyes light up. i just sstopted texting with a guy who was in love with her! she doesnt know it, but she means the world to me. she makes me laugh, smile,( pee my pants occasioally) and most importantly, she helps me feel better about myself. she makes me a better person. i owe pretty much all i got to this girl. i love her to death. please know your beautiful maddy. i love you loca chicka!
haj vacker<3
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i have this friend. shes so gorgeous but like anyother, she doesnt

0 faves · Oct 24, 2011 8:36pm




