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Can you name 13 people off the top of your head? 1-7 boys, 8-13 girls
1. Charlie
2. Robbie
3. Shane
4. Gage
5. Jacob V.
6. Alec
7. Drew

8. Ashleigh
9. Taylor
10. Brooke M.
11. Tori
12. Riley
13. Alyson

How did you meet 10?
high school field hockey :)
Have you ever seen 4 cry?
 Would 11 and 2 make a good couple? hahah.. no
Are you good friends with 13? yes, bestfriends<3
Do you think 5 is cute? teddy bear cute, but super funny
Something about 1...
 my long term bestfriend, exboyfriend, ginger, silly :)
What’s 7s fav color? green?
What would you do if 6 confessed that they like you? laugh! he is my exboyfriend, but good friend 
1 fact about 9? she's my bestfriend and owns two teacup pigs.
Would you ever live with 4? maybe.. but he is such a party animal, i wouldn't get sleep
Is 2 single? yes, but i hope not for long <3
Where does 7 live?
 glebe road :) about 5 min. away from me!
 What do you think about 3?
 so sexy, tall, funny, chill
 Worst thing about 12?
 too funny and too tall!! hahaha. love her!
 Who's 11 going out with?anthony.. who none of us have met!
What do you think about 8?she's my bestfriend, always has been, always will be, she's beautiful, funny, smart, athletic and the bestest friend anyone could ask for <33 you ash! :)

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Can you name 13 people off the top of your head? 1-7 boys, 8-13

0 faves · Oct 24, 2011 7:06pm




