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Be honest. think real hard. post your answers
1. Full name; Bethany Anne Payne
2. Nickname; Beth/Bethy
3. Zodiac sign; Aries
4. Elementary school; Comberton First School

5. Fav. Color; Blue
6. Birthday; 21st March
7. Hair Color; Natural is dark blonde but i have it dyed black
8. Tall or short; In the middle really
9. Sweats or jeans; Jeans
10. Orange or apple; Apple
11. Do you have a crush on someone; Sammy :D (sam3000 on here)
12. Eat or drink; Eat
13. Piercings; Ears, Belly and Lip
14. Pepsi or coke; Not fussy

Have you ever...
16. Been in an airplane? Nope
17. Been in a relationship? Yep
18. Been in a car accident? No
19. Been in a fist fight? Noooo

Firsts & lasts...
20. First piercing; Ears
21. First best friend; Zoe
22. First award; Errm Don't think i've had one
23. First Love; Adam
24. First word; Dad? I think?
25. Last person you talked to in person; Mum
26. Last person you texted; Sam
27. Last friend you watched a movie with; My ex probably
28. Last food you ate; Ham and Cheese Wrap
29. Last movie you watched in theaters; Inbetweeners
30. Last song you listened to; Ed Sheeran - A Team
31. Last thing you bought; Credit for my phone
32. Last person you hugged; Mum

33. Food? Anything Italian
34. Drink? Chocolate milkshake XD
35. Flower? Any really
36. Animal? Loads! Either Dog, Rat or Bearded Dragon
37. Color? Blue
38. Place? Wales :P
39. Movie? Saw Films
40. Subject? Not sure really, i'm not in school anymore XD

Have you ever ...
41. Fallen in love with someone? I think
42. Celebrated Halloween? Not properly
43. Went over the minutes/texts on your phone? On pay as you go
44. Wanted to smack someone upside the head? Yeah XD but i never have
45. Eaten a whole pizza? Probably
46. Did something you regret? Yep :/
47. Broke a promise? Not that i know of
48. Hid a secret? Who hasn't?
49. Pretend to be happy? All the time....

Your future...
50. Want kids? Eventually
51. Want to get married? Of course
52. Career? Photographer

Which is better in the opposite gender?
53. Lips or eyes; Eyes
54. Shorter or taller; Not fussy about height
55. Romantic or spontaneous; Bit of both
56. Hook up or relationship; Relationship
57. Looks or personality; Personaltily

Have you ever...
58. Lost glasses/contacts? Nope
59. Snuck out? Yep XP
60. Held a gun/knife for self defense? No!
61. Broke someones heart? Not sure
62. Been in love? I think
63. Been arrested? Nope :D

Do you believe in...
64. Yourself; Not that much
65. Miracles; Not sure
66. Love at first sight; Not really
67. Santa; Who doesn't! XP
68. Forever & Always; Maybe, if it's the right person...

69. Is there one person you want to be with right now; Sam :D Seeing him in a few hours XD
70. Who your real friends are; Don't think i have any true friends :/
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Be honest. think real hard. post your answers 1. Full name; Bethany

3 faves · Oct 23, 2011 11:57pm






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