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Another Time, Another Place
Chapter 5 Part 2

"Time to go!", he barged in through the door right as I was on the verge of dreamland. In what seemed liek moments, he freed me from my bounds. My mind screamed, 'RUN!'. Everything was blurry and happening so fast. 'Maybe I was already asleep....' "BEEP, BEEP. BEEP." Sirens wailed loudly, breaking me from my trance. Smoke began to fill the room, The smell make me sick. I couldn't stand it. "F-ing slow!', he exclaimed and threw me over his shoulder once more. We made it out alive. But I was coughing my guts out. "Quiet."
I tried to keep my coughing under control it was no use. He stuffed the cloth into my mouth once more, muffling the noise. My eyes were still not yet focused so everything looked like oddly shaped lumps. 'Where am I?' I saw something in the distance. The lights were dim around it, as if it were surrounded by a halo. Abruptly, I fell to the ground. I bit th ecloth to hold back the pain. "You're heavy.", he whispered and motioned me to come closer. Embarassment consumed me. I haven't felt like this since the time my first crush tolf em something ridiculous like ' your hair looks like cr*p'. I adjusted my clothes to hopefully make it a little better. "We don't have time for this, climb on my back.", he said urgently, his eyes darting from right to left.
i snapped out of my mood, my life was on the line. Should I stay here and hoep for the best or go with him.....? I heard deep, rough voices in the distance. 'i don't think they'll help me...' "Get on now!", he demanded, I could hear the panic in his voice. I got on. And something odd happened, a weird sensation of falling...

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A nice long chapter for you guys! Enjoy!!! :]
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Another Time, Another Place Chapter 5 Part 2 "Time to go!",

1 faves · Oct 21, 2011 9:34pm






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