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Confession #503
I hate myself. I am fat, ugly, and
worthless. I'm depressed all the time
and I've cut myself. I just hate life
and I want to die.

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Confession #503 I hate myself. I am fat, ugly, and worthless.

9 faves · 2 comments · Oct 20, 2011 2:49pm






destynistarr · 1 decade ago
Thats sad that people think something like that about theirselves. Honestly, i tear myself up like this too. Just, somtimes though. If you think about all the people that love you, just drop the bullys. Don't bully yourself, like cutting for example, thats not going to help you in life. It's actually very selfish. Keep your head up. &Forget about all the bad people. Think of the people that are there for you.
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abbyapathetic · 1 decade ago
Whoever confessed this, if you see this comment, I'm ALWAYS here to talk, if you ever need anyone.
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