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Last night an enraged father murdered his family as well as himself. He stabbed his wife with a knife multiple times and shot both of his kids; ages 10 and 8. He later then killed himself. What's so significant about this family is that they were apart of a bigger family. Both children attended a sleepaway camp for 4 weeks. Here, the kids were loved and got to be the amazing kids they are. The girl in peticular was around the age of the girls' I was serving. One night the girl was homesick and started to cry. I went over to her and calmed her down. She was a beautiful and sweet little girl. Her brother was just the same. They did not deserve to die such a tragic death.

R.I.P Molly and Gregory  and Amy Friedlander

Camp Chipinaw @Silverlake will always be with you, we love you all.

Please pray for the Friedlander family and the wonderful people who have died.

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Last night an enraged father murdered his family as well as himself.

5 faves · Oct 19, 2011 10:59pm






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