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U    S m e    -   I  i l e 

A  J u s t i n   B i e b e r   L o v e   S t o r y 

c h a p t e r     1 

"Mom, why are we doing this again?" I asked my mom. I just put away my passport and was about to board the plain.
"Honey, we went over this a hundred times... I think I would be cool to spend the summer in Canada." "But mom, it's cold there and there are zero beaches!" I pouted.
"That's not true. We're going to be in Ontario. And we're staying in a hotel with a pool. It'll be fun. Maybe you'll meet a cute boy." My mom smiled and shuffled herself onto the plane. I followed her.
"Mom, I just don't understand why we can't stay in Delaware so I can hang out with my friends over the summer." I knew the real reason. My mom's new boyfriend, Rob. I never met him, but my mom spent a lot of time with him last summer on her business trip. All I knew about him was that he lived in Stratford Ontario his whole life, got married, had a kid, and got divorced. Now, him and his 18 year old son, Brendan, were living on their own in a big beautiful 5 room bedroom. The flight was short, since we were only coming from Delaware. The taxi ride was even shorter and when we pulled up to the hotel, my spirits were raised a little. The hotel was big and looked like tons of fun. There was a huge outdoor pool infested with boys my age. A smoothie bar and a DJ stand was on the deck, which also had it's own ice cream machine and dance floor. I sign hung up on a pole that read "Teen Night! This Friday! 9:00- 12:00! Everyone between the ages 15 and 17 are welcome!" Tonight was Friday, I was definitely going. I ran up to the room and unpacked my stuff, I was going to be here the whole summer; might as well get comfortable. I had my own bedroom with a lock. Before I knew it, it was nine o'clock and I was ready to go to the deck. I was wearing: http://www.polyvore.com/teen_night_chapter_smile/set?id=38346002 . I thought I looked exceptionally okay. I headed headed downstairs. I went up to the deck and got myself a pina colata, which costed 2 dollars.
"Hey, I'm getting one too." This boy said. "I'll pay for ya," He said.
"Oh, you don't have to." I told him.
"Don't worry, I got it."
"Thanks. I'm Micaela" I said.
"I'm Ryan, I'm here with my buddies Chaz and Justin. Hey, you're pretty cute.  You should come to the arcade with us three boys and my girl, you and Chaz would be cute." Ryan started looking around for his friends.
"Thanks. Maybe I'll head over to the arcade later." I told him.
"Okay, we're getting ready to blow this teen night, it's pretty lame. We'll probably be at the arcade around 11."
"Sounds good. Nice meeting you Ryan."
"You too, Micaela."

Thank you so much for reading! I would appreciate it sooo much if you could comment so I know you're reading? I don't really know if anyone reads the Bieber stories on Witty anymore, but I figured I'd post it.... I mean what the hell, right? Well,,, if you like it, make sure to comment so I know to write more! Thank yousss soooo muchhh<3
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U S m i l e - I S m i l e A J u s t i n B i e b e r L o v e

4 faves · 3 comments · Oct 17, 2011 7:09pm






aehadden99 · 1 decade ago
continue plzz rele good!
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kaileighxxnelson · 1 decade ago
agreeed !
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xxButterflyLuverrxx happy birthday! · 1 decade ago
this is really good (:
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