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Dear New Girl

I'm long gone
but here some things to know

He loves his car,DO NOT MAKE FUN OF IT

He is very religious, if u think its weird dont say anything

But DO ask him about it
him and his parents are not close, but his brother and him

he works to much, and for to little money but its
his passion

cuddle with him when he wants to , because its very rare he will

but he loves to hug
kisses are amazing

He has the most corny lines but its what make him him

he has 5 different smiles, but ill let you figure those
out on your own.

when he tries to lie to you, he moves his hands
on his legs

but that rarely happens

don't complain he hates it

he will call and text when he says

he love to joke
and he love when u tell him a story b4 bed

( tell him how you met and how your love each other)
it will be his favorite


when he says he loves your for the first time
he will make it special and surprising
say it back...and mean it

and don't forget to tell him tat you love him

and don't lose him because if you do
its gunna hurt like hell

Sincerely, the girl who still loves him deeply


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Dear New Girl I'm long gone but here some things to know

2 faves · Oct 12, 2011 10:40pm





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