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ICONic Boyz Love Story
Part 16

(the next day) Kelleigh's POV;
Carly stayed the night. She'd forgive me soon enough. I was at Vinny's house, as his parents were loading up the truck to go to the airport. Vinny sticks his hands in his pockets awkwardly, stepping towards me. I smile faintly and he pulls me close from my waist and puts his forehead against mine. "I'll miss you," I say, pouting. He chuckles and I smell mint. "Me, too.." I say, kissing him and tugging on his lip again. He bites his lip and grins. I give him a long hug and he gives me a peck. "Ahem," His father says, chuckling. Vinny waves and gets in the car. I step out of the way and they drive down the street. I stop waving and walk home. Now there's Nick...

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ICONic Boyz Love Story Part 16 (the next day) Kelleigh's

1 faves · Oct 10, 2011 10:43am






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