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I know most of you won't read this but if you do I love you<3

I've been bestfriends with my friend Maggie ever since we were  2. Our families have always been very close and I'm with her all the time.  Recently her parents got a divorce and her dad's taking it hard. Instead of getting some therapy her dad drinks, all day and all night. The worst part is? He beats her. He even has the nerve to beat her when I'm over. She gets picked on in school because shes always crying and she feels like she has no where to be safe. I help her through everything & I let her sleep over at my house whenever she wants too . whenever teachers ask why she has bruises we always say she just got hurt at soccer or something until one day she came into school with a black eye. The girl that always makes fun of her comes up to her while I'm standing right there and says "Nice black eye, did your daddy hit you or something?
I've never punched a girl so hard. I love you Maggie<3

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I know most of you won't read this but if you do I love you<3

11 faves · 2 comments · Oct 8, 2011 9:27am






caluckygirl · 1 decade ago
We told the counselor and we have to wait to & see what happens from here
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agirl1 · 1 decade ago
Awww that's so sad but why dont you tell someone what's really happening?
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