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He said he wanted to be with me.
& so did his best friend.
He was my best friend.
I could't bare to loose him.
I thought.
If we just stay friends and I become more with the other boy
maybe this could work.
Apparently not.
I hurt him.
He told me to leave...
And then he told me to come back.
And I promised there would be no one else.
If he wanted to be with me 

He would have me.
. . . & then he asked if I had ever thought of being just FWB.
I told him... "we can't be that.. you told me you loved me"
And then  we stopped talking kind of...
And now he just wants to be friends...
I've lost them both.

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He said he wanted to be with me. & so did his best friend.

2 faves · Oct 2, 2011 1:49pm






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