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How do I answer this question?:
What are 3 contributions you can
make to the Cheer squad?

I already have: commitment.
&on another question that says:
What are your 3 best qualities that make
you a great choice for the school's cheerleading team?

I put Positive attitude, work well w/ others &learning new things

can you give me two more ideas for the 2nd question? i'm lost &&I don't want to sound repetitive.

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How do I answer this question?: What are 3 contributions you

0 faves · 2 comments · Sep 27, 2011 12:22am






mikeyrocksx · 1 decade ago
thank you, thank you, THANK YOU :D just what I needed!
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XSamiHammieX · 1 decade ago
commitment, spirit, energy, new ideas, hard work. hope this helps?(:
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