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Over It

 Chapter One, part 2
 Sara snapped the picture. We all leaned in to look at the picture. For once, Meg wasn't in the middle. "Julia, you look so awesome with your braces off!" I nudged her.
   "You're one to talk, Lee! You're hair is hot." That was another thing that had changed since Meg left us. We complimented each other constantly instead of continually pointing out our own flaws. Or, in Meg's case, pointing out everyone else's.
   The 4 of us turned and faced the high school together, past the bustling groups of bored-looking juniors, jocks shoving each other, and make-out sesh's. It looked big and new, and full of possibilities. New school, new beginnings. "Well," Candace linked arms with me and Julia. I grabbed Sara's arm."Let's go tear this school apart." We strode up the concrete steps and pushed through a group of grungy potheads,  a throng of cheerleaders, and two nervous Freshmen whispering. High school was a strange place. But I was so ready to own Freshman year.
   Inside, there were even more cliques situated in their various areas throughout the commons area. I readjusted my shoulder bookbag. Sara squeezed my arm. It was so big. 
   "If Meg were here, she'd act like she knew this place as well as the mall." Julia whispered. She was right. Even when Meg was scared, she'd never admit. She would straighten up, put on her fiercest face, and own the room. 
   It wasn't like she was all bad. Meg had some really good qualities going for her. She was always confident, no matter what. Like when she had to give that huge speech in 7th grade Language Arts and messed up in front of the whole class. She made it work and laughed it off as if it was a broken nail. 
  She also had some amazing ability to make you feel wonderful. If she simply complimented your eyeliner it would make your day. But maybe that was just because we were all used to her bringing us down. 
  Meg could even be a really good friend when she wanted to. She was a fantastic listener, and always knew the right things to say to make you feel better. She'd rub your back as you cried on her shoulder and she'd make everything OK. That's why it was so hard to stay mad at her. She could be this amazing best friend that made you laugh, but the next day she'd the reason you were upset. She was a good secret keeper, too. Until that weekend.
  "We don't need Meg to be confident." Candace reminded us. "Remember what she'd always say?" 
   I did. "Walk into the room like you own it." We said in unison. It was practically her catch phrase.
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Well, I know what you're thinking. "Really, Kat? Really? Another story? Is that really necessary?" And my response to that? ...No, it isn't. But who cares? :P
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Over It Chapter One, part 2 Sara snapped the picture. We all

11 faves · Sep 26, 2011 8:16pm






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