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Forever Together
Moxxzandria Ida-Quinn

          I met up with Ty at the school, not planned, because I didn’t tell him to meet me at the studio. Luckily, he was still there, along with five other shirtless, hot boys.
          Ty saw me approaching and held up his hand, indicating five more minutes. I pointed my finger in return, pointing to the front of the school, letting him know that’s where I’d be.
          I set my bag down and knew Ty was going to be at least another twenty minutes. My second class I cancelled for two weeks, because they just had competition last week, and told them to sign up for private lessons until I hear about the next competition. So, because I cancelled, I went to class myself and pushed myself, because a competition was coming up and Miss. Letta said if I could score the lead, she’d pay my way. So, in other word, if I didn’t score the lead, she was going to not let me in at all.
          I decided to work on my dance, because for once, I wanted this, more than anything else.
          ‘Hey, Ty, wait up, buddy. Hey, you should come by and play more often. I’ll put in a good word with coach. Maybe we could even do football sometime.’
          ‘Yeah, dude. That’d be awesome.’
          ‘Come by tomorrow. I’ll bring some of the guys and we’ll play teams and teach you a few tricks.’
          ‘Off the court?’ Ty joked.
          ‘You’re funny, kid.’ He laughed. ‘Yeah, yeah, see you tomorrow.’
          Ty walked over to me smiling.
          I rolled my eyes and picked up the pace so we could catch the bus.
          Ty grabbed my arm, turning me to face him. ‘What the hell?’
          ‘I, uh,’
          ‘Are you alright?’
          I shook my head. Ty was the one that usually was hit and took the blame for everything and to be honest, this was only the second time I was hit. The first was about a year ago, when he threw a glass bottle at me, giving me eleven stiches on the left side of my face, above and one on the side near my eye. 

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Forever Together Moxxzandria Ida-Quinn three I met up with Ty

1 faves · Sep 26, 2011 3:27pm






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