Witty Profiles

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name- megann
age- 12
sign- Virgo
school- Somewheree in CT.
location- Nott sayingg [[:

nicest- Ally
meanest- Olivia
tallest- Cailley
shortest- Courtney
craziest- Karlee, Sam, && Mee
smartest- prob me. lol
dumbest- idkk. no one, Alissa's a blonde thoughh (:
most trustworthy- Sam, Kim, and Helena
most athletic- We're all really athleticc.
most likely to end up in jail- KARLEE.
most likely to be rich- Helena
most likey to get pregnant by the age of 16- olivia. most deffff. ( we arent that great of friends anymore though )
deepest conversations- Sam
weirdest conversations- Briana
best liar- olivia.
most organized- Ally & Cailley
most unorganized- Karlee
always late- Kim
always on time- Me
always early- NOBODY!  :P

-habits-do you..- 
bite your nails- eww. no.
flirt too much- oh yes. most defff.
procrastinate- sometimes
take your anger out on others- no. just the person that made me angry.
have an eating disorder- nooo wayy.
judge people easily- nawt at all.
lose your temper easily- sumtimes.. dpending on the topic.

-how many times a day do you...-
brush your teeth- 2
go to the bathroom-uhh...maybe like 4?
change your clothes- twice.. reg cltohes and pjs :D
shower- every day or every other day.
slam doors- when im mad
fight with people- sumtimes
sign online- EVERYDAY!
brush your hair- before school, and before i go to bed
wash your face- idk? i dont have to.
Next Quote >

-you- name- megann age- 12 sign- Virgo school- Somewheree in

0 faves · Dec 14, 2008 1:41pm





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