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My mind: I'm sick and tired of waiting for you. Why sit around, waiting, and hoping that you'll ask me to be your girlfriend? You had your chance to realize what you were missing, instead of chasing around the cheerleader that turned you down. I was there for you, >when you didn't know it<. If you didn't notice, I cried for you. And when I said, the guy I liked was closer than you thought, I meant youYou are the one that I like, and I'm too ashamed to say it myself. I really liked you, but you were paying too much attention to her to realize.
My heart: Just wait, there's still hope. You love him. Maybe he loves you too, it's just that he's too scared to talk to you as much. Always. Have. Hope.
(my current experience. written from my heart. thank you if you're still reading <3)
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My mind: I'm sick and tired of waiting for you. Why sit around,

4 faves · Sep 22, 2011 5:54pm






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