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You Witty Girls;

you witty girls really make me feel like shit. all these quotes about saying how skinny isn't good and how skinny isn't what is beautiful really hurts. do you think i actually want to be like this? not being able to gain weight at all? having people always point out my hip bones and ribs when i wear bikinis? when you bend over, people can see your spine like a freaking dinosaur? yeah, us skinny girls are embarrassed about wearing bikinis and clothes too. don't think that skinny girls have the best lives because in fact, i think we are more self conscious about ourselves then anyone else. weight is a serious topic to anyone. and saying that someone is so skinny is the equivalence of saying that someone is so fat. i am just so tired of seeing all these quotes about weight. who the fuck cares? seriously. 


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You Witty Girls; you witty girls really make me feel like shit.

9 faves · 5 comments · Sep 13, 2011 6:46pm






myrudeawakening · 1 decade ago
If y'all feel like this, stop on the net and tell people how you feel. Just like the quotemaker said. Who the cares? Seriously?
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kaylalynne62610 · 1 decade ago
I agree with this too, all my friends so oh my gosh your so skinny and im like yeah well i hate it. i see my hip bones stick out and my ribs and everything and i think its gross!
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sarahisawesome17 · 1 decade ago
i'm really skinny too. my friends are always like YOUR SO SKINNY! and im just like um.. I absolutley hate being skinny:/
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sweetart33 · 1 decade ago
this is beyond true. Some people don't realize this when they make certain quotes trying to make people feel better about being overweight. It's not right, though. I'm sorry.
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xxLifeIsASongSoSingItxx · 1 decade ago
i'm really skinny too.. i get called anorexic daily, and i know how it feels.
you're not alone. < / 3

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