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"So he's 18 and your 14?
That's not dating, that's babysitting."

Make  me  so  mad



My boyfriends 18, I'm 14. But we love each other more than anything. I'm the first girl he's let into his life in 8 months because he's so scared of getting hurt. We tell each other everything and he knows me better than anyone. He's so sweet and I know he cares about me. +He's always telling me how scared he is to lose me. I'm head over heels in love with him and our ages don't influence that at all. This sounds NOTHiNG like "baby-sitting". Please think before you post things. I love you Justin♥

NMF. Sorry it's kinda long.. 
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Quotes like this... "So he's 18 and your 14? That's

25 faves · 9 comments · Sep 10, 2011 4:59pm






Iwishyouweremine · 1 decade ago
My bestfriend is 16 and shes dating a 26 year old...
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LEXiiLovesYOU · 1 decade ago
Nope; Not college. He's still in high-school. I see him everyday. He just turned 18. I really appreciate all the people that say they support me, &to the people that dont, you might see it as wrong but i see it more as something amazing, Amazing that even though theres risks, we still choose to be together. Because we love each other. Its my choice &no matter what, im not going anywhere, im staying with him, and if the time does come that he wants someone more his age, ill let him go.
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lizardgirl14 · 1 decade ago
i agree that if you guys were older, it wouldnt matter. but soon he will be in college, and he might start thinking about girls closer to his age. also, i know that i shouldnt b a "hater" but i really do think that that is wrong. my cuz is 19 and dating a girl 15 which is the same thing, and i dont like the thought at all. not to be a , but in my opinion, its babysitting. sry to break it 2 u hun.
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Athenalena · 1 decade ago
I agree with the person above me, that it would be illegal, but I have a major crush on Prince Harry of England and he's 11 years older than me ;) anyway, I like a guy in the grade below me, if I dated him now, everyone would think it was weird. I'm only a sophomore, and I'm the 5th youngest in my grade, he's one of the oldest, and he's my age too. But other's don't know that.

THink of it this way, if you were 20 and he was 24 no one owuld think twice at you dating, so don't sweat yourself. Age is but a number, and love knows no numbers.
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FatesFallingShort · 1 decade ago
Good for you! Ignore the haters<3
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ForeverIsntLongEnough · 1 decade ago
Im not saying im not supporting anything and its wrong for people to say that but that is mostly the reason why
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Princess B-tch* · 1 decade ago
I had that once. we were exactly 4 years apart cuz we had the same birthday ! (: I support you girl (:
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LEXiiLovesYOU · 1 decade ago
I'm aware.
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ForeverIsntLongEnough · 1 decade ago
It's not made to sound offensice but anything sexual is illegal.
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