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i liked him for 2 years non-stop. from florida he moved to newyork and was in my class everyone talked cr*p about him and said he was ugly but right when i saw him i wanted to be his. 2 years after liking him he moved back to florida i never got a chance with him. this past summer he texted me telling me he was moving back he is now in my school and all the girls that talked cr*p about him love him its just not fair i dont get why he cant see im right in front of him and none of those girls like him as much as i do and as much as i can.

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i liked him for 2 years non-stop. from florida he moved to newyork

2 faves · 2 comments · Sep 10, 2011 10:35am






areebs98 · 1 decade ago
yeah we are...he knows how i feel some points he can be soo sweet and then others...all full of himself saying hes hot and stuff he used to hate me for liking him but he said he doesnt mind but ik he will probally never feel the same wayy
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sing4forever · 1 decade ago
Are you guys friends? If so i would tell him how you feel! He might feel the same way!
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