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c o n f e s s i o n # ;
I almost cut once. I had just come home from the hospital b/c we’d gone to visit a friend of mine that was in the hospital for burning herself. She’d promised me she wouldn’t ever do it again, but she did. And that pushed me over the edge. I felt let down, deceived, angered, saddened, hurt. She promised she’d call me if she even thought about it and she didn’t. She went along and did it anyway. I locked myself in my bathroom and I was holding the blade to my wrist, tears falling in a constant stream down my face. But then my best friend called me. He told me how much I meant to him, how much he loved me, that he couldn’t live without me, that it hurt him to hear me cry, and that I was beautiful and amazing. He stopped me that day.

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c o n f e s s i o n # 4 ; I almost cut once. I had just come

2 faves · Sep 2, 2011 10:35pm






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