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My boyfriend decided that he was going to leave his mom and move in with his dad...
He is doing this because he says his mom sucks and ruins everything including his life.
I am extreamly dissapointed in him and i dont know what to say to him now...
He has broken his mothers heart who loves him to death and he jus flipped on her and left.
Can i have some help from some people on what to do???
I dont know if i should support his disicion...
 or if I should help his mother who I have a wonderful mother/daughter relationship with
Please give me some advise i could use it right now :(
thanks for listening =J

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My boyfriend decided that he was going to leave his mom and move

0 faves · 3 comments · Sep 2, 2011 8:56pm






x0xchrissybabyboox0x · 1 decade ago
I honestly think , that you need to explain to your boyfriend in a nice way that his mother truely loves him & cares about him. But dont be to harsh , because hes your boyfriend. If i were you i'd tell him, that his mom does love him and care for him . So why dont you give her more chances, and try.
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musicgirl109 · 1 decade ago
tell him to really think about what he's doing and to not make big decisoins when he's angry. i don't know if it'll help, but it's worth a try
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YoungForever_723* · 1 decade ago
i think you should talk to him and his mother about the situation
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