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I need you in my life.
Chapter 6

I just need to forget about Kevin. You know? I CAN'T TAKE THIS EMO

CRAP. Well I'm home alone on a Friday night. Bummer. *DING DONG*

Hmm? The door? Hell- Oh my god. Do you want to buy some cookies?

My sister is trying to sell them. Uhh Sure! I said. Hey, do you want to

hang out sometime? Of course! i said. He gave me his number and his

address! His name is Brandon and he is totally hot! But.. What about

Kevin? You know what? Kevin can go die. Ditching me? I bet he only

wanted me because I'm rich. That's what all guys want from me.

Justin, Kevin, hopefully Brandon is different. *On facebook* I'm going to

request Brandon! Brandon Stoner! Ahh He's so hot and adorable!

Wow.. That was fast. He accepted me! Chat message Brandon: Call

me Me: Sure! Brandon: :) *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* Brandon: Hello?

Me: Hey Brandon! What did you need? Brandon: Can you come over?

Me: I have homework to do.. You can come over here? Brandon:

Sounds like a deal! Be there in 5. Me: Okay! Maybe I should stop being

emo. I'll dye my hair tomorrow I guess. *DING DONG* I guess he's

Hey Brandon! Come in. Come to my room! *in my head* I just

sounded like a creeper asking him to come to my room? Ugh! Sorry..

That sounded like a creep. No worries. It's okay.  I blushed. So.. This is

my room. Nice! he exclaimed. Come! Sit! Sure! he said. So! Has your sis

sold a lot of cookies? Kind of.. we're going to a rough start. Your blue

eyes look pretty. Aw Thank you so much! We leaned in closer and

closer. Our lips locked for one second. I rubbed my neck and said..

Sorry.. It's fine, he said. So, what school do you go to? I got to Polk

Cats High. I'm starting there on Monday. *A few hours later* Well I better

get going. It's getting late. Okay! I said. Bye! See you later. *The Next

Day* MOM! DAD! I GOT MY LICENSE! That's great! they said. No

more bus for me!  I'm going to go the barber shop. *At the barber shop*

Hey! How may I help you? Hey.. Can i see a book? Sure you can! she

exclaimed. As I'm looking through I see one that will catch Brandon's

heart. It has bangs over your eye and it's so cute! No more brown wavy

hair for me! Can I have this one? Sure you can! she said.  *After its

done* So, It will be naturally straight now? That's right! she said. Have

a good day! You too! I exclaimed. Since theres nothing else to do I

guess I'll go to the mall. *A few hours later* Wow.. I spent a lot. Well it

doesn't matter because I'm rich. I also got a dress for Prom! Can this

day get any better? *RRRING RRRING!* Me: Hello? Brandon: Hey

Rose.. I know we just met but can I ask you something? Me: Sure..

Brandon: Will you go to Prom with me? Me: YES!!! Brandon: That's

great! See you at school. Me: Same! Bye! Brandon: Bye.


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I need you in my life. Chapter 6 I just need to forget about

0 faves · Aug 30, 2011 10:07am




