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Quote #3691013

0 faves · 3 comments · Aug 27, 2011 10:48pm






soon2bfamous29 · 1 decade ago
you're not alone. im here if you need me
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Supernatural24 · 1 decade ago
Thank you so much! I have just been having a very hard time this summer with depression I guess & seeing a stranger care so much really helps, it helps me to see there are better people out there & people do care about me, I can't thank you enough for caring enough to comment & help, I also wish you the best of luck & if you wanna talk I'll be here too(:

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JustMe888 · 1 decade ago
i honestly know the exact feeling, i used to feel the exact same way, no joke, word for word. but you just have told hold in there. trust me, it makes you a much stronger person. you just have to think about the future that you can make for your self & what you can do. for me, i actually ended up helping out at my church a lot more & meeting new & amazing people. i also know what its like to not feel wanted, and you just have to think, screw the people who dont care, & just keep looking for those who do care, becuase weather or not you know it, there out there, & once you find them its the most amazing thing ever. i also know what its like to feel like you cant be happy, (i have a type of depression called S.A.D. & its simmilar to bipolar) but you just need to find a good hobby or activity that makes you happy, & you will find it. stay strong (: ill be here to talk if you ever need to!
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