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Can anyone please

help me ?

I've been looking everywhere to figure out how to get the URL from a picture that's already saved to my laptop...
Any advice would be great... thanks:)



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Can anyone please help me ? I've been looking everywhere

1 faves · 3 comments · Aug 21, 2011 10:16pm






sammylovesyouu · 1 decade ago
got any question's, askk me. i miss you genna! <3
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eccentricallyecstatic · 1 decade ago
Okay. So you mean that it's in your picture folder in your computer right?
What you have to do is UPLOAD IT on a website. Most people use photobucket.com So I'd suggest making an account. And then hitting the upload butto. And getting the direct link/url if you wanna show somebody. But if you wanna post it somewhere Ie; myspace, WITTY!, then you need to use the HTML code. I hope this helped. COmment me back girl. (:
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youaremydirtylittlesecretx · 1 decade ago
the url as in the place you got it from?
go here: tineye.com
and upload it. It will tell you where it's from.
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