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What's summer without love?
(Emily's POV) chapter 16
Sorry its been so long guyss):

  Jake, Leslie and I walked home together, and Jack and Mitch turned a corner to go to their houses.  When we got home, I flopped on the couch and we watched a movie until it was dark. Jake spoke up while the credits rolled.
  "Wanna go get some icecream or something?"
Leslie and i nodded, and we all walked out the door to Jake's mothers car. Sure, he wasnt legal to drive us around yet, but we won't get caught.
We drove downtown to a little icecream shop on the corner. It was so cutte!
   The three of us walked into the store and ordered. Suddenly my phone buzzed, so I told Jake and Leslie to wait inside while I took the call outside. I walked out and slipped the phone out of my pocket. It was my mom. I quickly answered and walked to the side of the store, out of earshot.
    "Mom? How are you?" I said immediately.
   "Sweety! I'm great, the doctors said i could leave tomorrow!" She said, I could tell she was smiling.
   "That's great! I'm so excit-" I dropped my phone on the concrete as someone snatched my wrist and pulled me towards the back of the building. I figured it was Jake, trying to scare me. 
 "Nice try Jake, but that was my mom on the phone." I giggled, slowly trying to pull my wrist away. 'Jake' laughed alittle, which was when I realized it wasnt him. The figure, obviously a boy, pushed me against the brick wall and pressed their lips to mine. I shook my head around and tried to pull my hand away. The guy tightened his grip and grabbed my other wrist, holding my arms on both sides of my head.
   I tried my best to scream but I couldnt get too loud with their tongue in my mouth. I heard some quiet laughter, there were other people with him. I felt tears drip down my cheeks. I tried to kick them as hard as i could, but it didnt help. The man let go of my hands and pushed his hands up my stomach and under my bra, while some other guy held my arms on the wall.  My breathing got quick and I squirmed as much as possible, trying to pull his hands off of me.
   "Emily?" I heard someone say. The guy and I both looked in the direction of the voice. And in that second that the guy wasnt kissing me, I screamed for Jake. I saw his head poke around the corner, the only thing i could really see from where we were standing.
 "Get out of here!" I heard the guy fiercely whisper. I recognized the voice- It was John and his friends. 
 "John!" I yelled, pushing away from him. I heard him grumble quickly before he grabbed my shoulders and flung me into the cement. I hit my head hard, and felt pebbles fly over me as they ran away. Through my blurry vision i saw Jake run towards me and kneel next to me.
  I heard him yell to Leslie, then everything went black.

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What's summer without love? (Emily's POV) chapter 16

7 faves · 1 comments · Aug 19, 2011 6:28pm






invaderzim96 · 1 decade ago
ive missed this story :)
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