Witty Profiles

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Hello witty girls, this is my first story called "Hope" Hope you guys will enjoy it!
Chapter 2;

Today was it. School starts today. Alexis woke up, and went straight to the shower. Her mother never forget that fight that her and Alexis had last night. "Alexis! Your sister has to get out, let's go!" Instead of Alexis trying to argue with her mother, she just ignored her and continued to wash her hair. Alexis straighten her hair, get her "First day of school" outfit, had some breakfast, and was on her way to the bus stop to meet up with Nicole. The bus came around 6:55 and it was off to school. The bus finally arrived at the school 10 minutes later. Alexis was excited and said "9th grade year! Woo ho! This year I'm going to shine." Nicole smiled and agreed. All Nicole was concerned about was seeing her boyfriend, and her guy best friend Andy (Alexis's boyfriend) The boys finally came to school from their own bus. "Hey ladies" Andy said. Andy went straight to Alexis gave her a hug and kiss and said "Hello beautiful. Let's just hope we actually have some classes this year. I hate how last year we were dating, and had no classes and it sucked." Alexis laughed " I know. But I already know my classes. They all walk into school together. They get their classes. "Rob, what's your homeroom teacher? And the rest of your classes?" Robert just gave over his paper with his classes to Andrew. First period, Robert had Science. For second period, Robert had Algebra. For third period, American cultures. For fifth period, special. For sixth period, English.  It was too late for Alexis to look at Andy's classes because it was homeroom time. Everyone said goodbyes and prayed the four of them had classes together. Alexis and Nicole end up having homeroom together. Once they get to their lockers, Alexis has this weird feeling as if someone's watching her. She just ignores it. She shuts her locker and then goes into homeroom. Once Alexis sits down, she still has this feeling that someone's watching over her. First period starts, and Alexis, Nicole, Andy, and Robert all had Science together. The day went on fast, it was dismissal time. Alexis walked to her locker, got her stuff, then walked home. Somehow, she felt depressed but she only felt upset because she was thinking of her father. She had this feeling all day that her father was watching over her, but she didn't know if it was true or not. Alexis went to get her sister from school. "Hey Lexi. How was your first day of high school? Alexis smiled. She loved being called Lexi. "It was good. How was 5th grade? "GREAT! I love 5th grade." Alexis smiled and started walking home. "Wait, "Lexi, hold on for a second!" a voice screamed. It was Andy. "Yeah?"  Andy frowned. "You alright, babe? You've been acting weird all day. As if something was bothering you." Alexis was caught. Something was bothering her. But she didn't want to speak up. So she lied. "Nothing baby. I'm fine. I'm just tired that's all." Andrew always knew when Alexis lied to him so he didn't want to make her even more upset then she already was so he just said "Alright. Will you call me tonight?" Alexis smiled and said "Yes. I love you." Andy gave her a hug and said "Love you, too." They made their separate ways. "Lexi?" Julie asked. Alexis turned around and said" What?" "How long have you and your boyfriend been dating? Mom said love is a serious word and not to use it until you mean it." Alexis made a angry look because of the word mom. "I've been dating Andrew since 7.27.09. That's two years. So mom could shut it." Alexis snapped back. Alexis and Julie finally got home from school. The first day of school was finally over. 
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Hello witty girls, this is my first story called "Hope"

7 faves · Aug 9, 2011 10:48pm






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