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Sucker for Love
•Chapter 4•


“Avia, your friends are here!” My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I jumped of off my bed and shut off my TV. I had been watching the “Cake Boss” Marathon on TLC all day. I closed up the issue of “Teen Vouge” that was open on my bed and threw it on my night table. I fastened a bobby pin in my hair to hold back some locks of my sun-kissed light brown hair and slipped concacts onto my hazel eyes. My pupils were the color of gold coins that were in my stocking each Christmas. I ran down the stairs and opened the huge wooden door. “Hey! Come on in!” Gia and Brittany walked into my house first, and Jaqueline followed. She informed me that Arianna was running a little late and would be over in a few minutes. The rest of the girls got a ride from Gia’s mom, but Arianna lived only a block away from me. Jenni came in finally and informed me that they passed the pizza delivery guy on the way here. The pizzeria was also only a block away from me, so the delievery men usually walked if they weren’t to busy. We went in the living room and all found places to sit. Me and Jenni on the small couch, Gia in the corner chair, Jaqueline and Brittany seated on the floor. Soon there was a knock on the door and Arianna joined us in the living room, plugging her phone charger into the wall. “Hectic day, Ari?” I laughed. “Just a little.” She responded in her soft voice and school girl giggle. We talked over the plans for the evening. “Okay,” Gia said in her very business-y voice. “Avia’s mom is dropping us off at the concert.” We all agreed and gobbled down our pizza, which arrived shortly after Arianna. “Then we are going to have the time of our lives at the concert.” We all grinned and Britanny and Jaqueline high-fived each other. “Jackie’s mom is going to pick us up from the concert and we are all sleeping over her house. Hey, Jack, is Brendan going to be home?” Gia asked and glanced at Jenni. We all know Jenni had a major crush on Jackie’s twin brother, Michael. “Yeah, he’ll be home. Don’t worry Jen, I put some extra pillows in his room, just in case.” She winked. Jenni rolled her eyes, “Oh puh-lease.” Before we knew it my mom came into the room and announced that we should get leaving. I brought Mom into the kitchen to tell her about the backstage passes and that we had to be dropped off at Door 6. Then, all of my friend and I piled into the car and we were off to see Justin Bieber!

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Sucker for Love •Chapter 4• Avia: “Avia, your

5 faves · 1 comments · Aug 8, 2011 10:02pm






blinkmenirvana · 1 decade ago
love love
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