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Hello witty girls, this is my first story called "Hope" Hope you guys will enjoy it!
Chapter 1;

It was a Monday morning, Alexis Nicole was still sleeping. School was starting tomorrow for Alexis so she didn't sleep her life away today. Today was all about hanging out with her friends and getting the chance to do what she pleases before school starts tomorrow. Since school starts tomorrow, that means curfews back. Alexis got up and went straight to the bathroom to wash her face off. As she was washing, her best friend, Nicole called. "Hello?" Alexis answered. "LET'S GO! We only have today to finish up our summer!" Nicole screamed. Instead of Alexis answering Nicole, she hung up the phone. After a half hour goes by, Alexis has taken a shower, fixed her hair, and had breakfast. After that, Alexis was out the door. Once Alexis got to Nicole's house, she felt this weird pain. She knocked on the door and Nicole answered. "Can I have a stomach pill?" Nicole gave a weird look and said "Um, sure." Alexis took the pill and on from the day. Alexis and Nicole both had boyfriend's. And both of their boyfriend's were best friends along with Alexis and Nicole. They all gathered up together and went to the mall, and the movies. Hours and hours ago by and before Alexis knew it, it was 8:00. Time for Alexis to head home. By the time Alexis got home, her mother was furious. "I thought I've told you curfew starts up again!?" Her mother screamed. "Mom, it's 8:30! I'm 15 years old, I'm not a little kid!" Alexis snapped back. "I don't care how old you are! I'm very serious about curfew now that your father is gone! 7:00 Lexi!" Alexis's father died from Cancer when Alexis was 13. "Wow mom, I understand you're upset that Dad's gone, but hello? I am too. That doesn't mean I have to come home at 7. I'm 15, stop treating me like I'm a little girl!" Alexis's mother look beyond furious and just responded by saying "This discussion is over. I've already said what I wanted and that's what's going to happen. Go to your room, and don't come out." Alexis stomped up to her room and slammed her door. "I cannot wait until I'm 18!" Alexis dropped a tear down her face. Alexis and her father were always so close but now that he's gone, Alexis and her mother have a hard time trying to get along. Alexis took a shower, and was off to bed. She thought to herself, "Please be a better day... Dad, I love you. Rest well."
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Hello witty girls, this is my first story called "Hope" Hope

10 faves · Aug 8, 2011 5:54am






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