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On my mind.
(Chapter forty-five)
Erika's P.OV.
I explained what Dustin did to me to Cody and by the time I was done, Cody was clenching his teeth and had his hands in tight fists. He was on the verge of tears. Laying down on the bed, he covered his face with his hands. He ran his fingers through his hair as he sat up, "How could he do that to you?" he practically yelled. I put my hand on his shoulder, "Cody, there's nothing we can do about it now. He is back in juvi and he will stay there." I reassured. "He deserves to rot in hell." he spat out. "I know he does but he can rot in juvi." I said trying to calm him down. "Do you want to call your parents?" he asked. "I'll just tell them later tonight." he nodded. "Erika, I am so sorry for what he did to you." he said pulling me in close to him. "It's not your fault, I was the one who was stupid and ran off. I was the one who got mad about stupid rumors." A few tears fell from my eyes. Cody took his thumb and wiped them away. He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. "Look Erika, it is not your fault. Don't you ever say that." I smiled as tears fell down my fast silently. I gave him a quick kiss, not sure if he wanted to kiss or not. "Come here." he said, pulling me on to his lap. I put my arm around his neck and snuggled in to him. "Baby it's not just you, you know it hurts me too. Watching you leave with tears on your sleeve, notice that mine aren't exactly dry-y." Cody quietly sang. I turned to him and smiled, "You know that you are amazing?" he laughed. "I do what I can." I let out a laugh, "What time is it?" I asked. He took out his phone and checked. "5." I nodded and rolled away from him. "Lets order Chinese or something." he nodded and we went over to the desk to get the menu's. "Uhh, what do you want?" I asked. "Chinese sounded good." I nodded and handed him the menu that I usually ordered from. "They have killer general gsou's chicken." he smiled. "Sounds good." I gave him a small smile, "I don't know what I would do if I didn't find you." he pulled me in to a kiss. The kiss didn't last long because my phone rang. I bit my lip and gave him the sorry look. When I answered, it was just my mom checking up. I told her I was fine and hung up. "You know what you want?" I asked. He nodded, "Same as you." I smiled. "Great minds think alike." he said with a wink.

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On my mind. (Chapter forty-five) Erika's P.OV. I explained

12 faves · Aug 7, 2011 8:58pm






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