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Quoted Love


"Dad, no!" I screamed. "I'm sorry sweety, but we have too. This job could be a hit, for me." he replied, quietly. "What about me?!?! And Angie and James?!?” “I’m sure you’ll meet new friends.” He said, not looking up from the newspaper. “Mom wouldn’t have let you do it.” I whispered. “She would if she knew it was a big opportunity for me.” I sighed and grabbed my backpack. “No breakfast?” my dad called. “No.” I mumbled.

“So your moving ?” Hannah gasped. “Yeah, next week. Too California. Ugh.” I rolled my eyes. “Don’t complain!” Julie demanded,”California is the state full of hot guys, mansions, and beaches!” “I don’t need all that! I already have a boyfriend, my house is cozy enough, and I don’t need a tan.” I shut my locker door. “Oh please. One week and you’d won’t want to come back too cold South Dakota.”


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Quoted Love Chp.1 "Dad, no!" I screamed. "I'm

2 faves · Aug 7, 2011 5:15pm






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