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Dear witty ladies, So latley ive been gaining alot of weight, im only 116 but im a lot bigger than i used to be and im so sick of being bigger thann all of my friends i hate myself everytime i eat i feel guilty. Then today my boyfriend said someting about my weight and i went in the bathroom and forced my self to puke.. Please show me that someone cares i cant even talk to my mom about this shes always judgemental towards me my sisters were perfect and i will never be that good.
Thank youu so much if you read all of that i love all of youuu

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Dear witty ladies, So latley ive been gaining alot of weight,

10 faves · 7 comments · Aug 5, 2011 8:36pm






livexlaughxloveeex · 1 decade ago
Thank you so much, All of you are beautiful and have helped me alot just by theses comments<3
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torigangstaa · 1 decade ago
ABOUT MY FIRST COMMENT: I'm not going to be like oh your beautiful don't do anything! Because everytime someone says that to me I'm just like... Ok cool. It doesn't do anything for me. I don't know if it does for you, but I tried to just tell you what I did during my hard time. No matter how many people tell you your perfect, it's not going to change anything. Your always going to want to change yourself. There's an easy way, but you don't have to puke. It's NBD.
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cutie4490 · 1 decade ago
Hey(: i saw your picture and your beautifle the way you are, you most certainly do not have to make yourself throw up to loose weight though. If you want to loose some weight, dont starve yourself, cause that never works. Eat healthier, and try to get a quick workout in every now and then. 116 is in average weight for girls our age, so i wouldnt over do it. But eating healthy is the key.
If you do any sports, that helps a ton too.

I really hoped this helped, and i hope i dont hear anything again about you making yourself throw up.'

I followed you, and if you ever have anything to talk about im here(:
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torigangstaa · 1 decade ago
Just watch your Calories, only eat 800 for two days and the 1200 the next day to give your body a break, and then 800 for two days and then 1200 for one. I had this problem when I was 14, I was like 120 and I felt fat. My arms and legs were skinny but I had a stomach and a muffin top. I watched my calories ALOT. I didn't have the guts to make myself puke though. The calories are still dangerously low, 800 a day isn't alot. That's why you need the 1200 break. But also, if you do this, you'll loose more fat than muscle. If you make yourself puke, you'll loose alot of muscle and strength and you'll look lanky and weird. (: I hope I gave you a little advice.. Don't worry!
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caseyrobbie · 1 decade ago
Hey dear, I'm sure you're perfectly fine! Don't listen to anyone about this, unless it's your doctor saying something but even then, they won't tell you to puke. and you're BEAUTIFUL so even if you are a little chubby, it's not a huge deal. because i am too. but i finally got over it and i figured it's my body so i gotta live with it. might as well like it (: keep your head up girly (:
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humperdink13 · 1 decade ago
Please please don't think that's fat or do that ever again. People care and that's not worth it. You're gorgeous just the way you are and society is up if it made you think that 116 pounds is fat. Please promise to stop. We do care. And you're GORGEOUS <3
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triciaann1199 · 1 decade ago
Girl, everyone is beautiful in their own way. Everyone is different, and that's why life is so amazing. Nobody deserves bulima, it's terrible. You're perfect just the way you are, and if people can't see that, then they don't deserve to have you.
Stay strong < 3
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