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Summer Suicide
May 29th; Part Six.

Have you ever done something, even though you knew in the back of your mind it was a terrible idea, just to feel the danger of doing it? Like your risking so much, just to feel some sort of thrill or excitement?

I thought about this as I brushed my hair. It was extremely hot today, so I was wearing my only black sundress. I hated wearing it, but it kept me cooled off in this smothering weather. I took a deep breath, and ran downstairs to see my grandparents eating lunch.

"You look very pretty Alexis." Grandmother smiled sweetly.
"Lexi." I repeated my name almost five times a day. "But thanks. I'm going out for a little bit. I'll be home by six."
"Where are you headed off to?" Grandpa asked, looking up from his soup.
"I don't know, whats up with the interrogation?" I hated when people asked me about my personal life.
"Well we are your guardians right now." He said back.
"Well, I'm just going to go to town. But I'm walking, so the bike is in the garage. Goodbye."
"Have fun dear." Grandma waved pleasantly and grandpa went back to his soup.

I always wondered why he never seemed happy to talk to me. But shook the thought as I saw the truck pull up to the side walk. I got in quickly and saw his bright white teeth, smiling at me. "Hey you." He said as I buckled up.
"Hello." I said, not smiling back. I acted calm, even though for some reason, I had these huge knots in my stomach.
"You look nice."
"Just drive." i replied.
He sped off, taking me somewhere I'd never been. "So your grandparents didn't care?"
"Well even if they did, I'd do what I want. They aren't really the boss off me. I do what I want."
He shook his head.
"What!" I questioned.
"That's not the way to live."
I said nothing.
"I'm just saying, life is short. You don't want to be unhappy for all of it. You'll never get these days back."
And again I said nothing. Who was this guy? He had no right to teach me life lessons. So i sat in silence. I didn't know where we were, but somehow we ended up by a creek and it had a waterfall. It was gorgeous. I'd never seen anything like it. The water was so blue and pure.
"What is this?" I asked.
"The spring." he laughed. "Come on, lets go put our feet in it."
I followed, and sat down next to him. The water was like ice. I'd never felt anything like it before. It was so cold it made my feet go numb. And I loved the feeling of being numb.

"Wow. This is awesome." I said, closing my eyes.
"That's the first positive thing I think I have ever heard you say." He laughed. "By the way, I'm Ozzy Never really introduced myself."
"You didn't have to tell me." I replied. "I like the feeling of knowing I'm with a stranger. It's dangerous."
I could feel him staring at me. "What?" I said, opening my eyes.
"What's your name Streak?" He asked sweetly.
"It's Lexi. My names Lexi."
"Well Lexi, I'm going to make this summer, your most memorable." Ozzy declared, as he stood up.
I laughed sarcastically. "Oh really? And how you gonna do that?"
"It'll be full of surpsises. Like this one!" And with one leap, he was in the spring, covering me in the coldest water I've ever felt.
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Summer Suicide May 29th; Part Six. Have you ever done something,

5 faves · Aug 5, 2011 3:12pm






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