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sunshine behind that rain

Chapter 1


"Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you." I shook hands with all of these famous people. People were asking me why I was at the Oscars... and my answer was simply, because I can be. I'm Justin Bieber. I smiled and strutted along the red carpet.
"Justin! What are you wearing this evening?" Numerous people asked me. Good thing I rehearsed exactly what to say with Carin, my stylist.
"This is a D&G suit. And the sneakers are Louis V." I smiled and looked into the camera. The flashes went off in my face. 3 years ago I would have been afraid of all of this attention, but I was used to it now. Sometimes it got boring. Sometimes I wish I could just be normal. I could just be... Justin. The fame gets annoying and boring and so aggravating.  Sometimes you start to second guess your career... Your life. I tried to avoid answering anymore questions. I just wanted to go inside and get in my seat. The whole thing was so professional and adult. People forget that I'm just a kid. I just wanna have a little fun sometimes. My world revolves around what other people think and what other people say and how people look at me. If I make a mistake, I'm harassed and hated on. It gets tiring. I sat down in my seat and took out my iPhone.
"It's a short award show, kiddo." Kenny said and elbowed me in the arm. Suddenly someone took their seat right beside me.
"Oh, hey man. Is this seat taken?" I shook my head.
"Nice to meet ya, Zach." I said. I recognized him from the Disney Channel. His name was Zach Efron and he was in that movie... what's it called... 17 again? Yeah, that's it. I saw that with... nevermind. I quickly tried to think about something else before I bursted into tears.
"Oh, Justin. I didn't even realize that was you." He said and shook my hand. "This is my brother Luke and my sister-"
"Cali." The young girl interrupted her brother. She looked around 17. She had long dark hair that hung in loose curls down her back.
"Nice to meet you Cali." I said. She was pretty. Her skin glowed and her smile seemed to light up the room. I sunk back into my seat and rested my head in my hand. Maybe this night got a little better.

Ok... I'm kinda liking this. It's different. What do you guys think?


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sunshine behind that rain Chapter 1 Justin: "Nice to meet

5 faves · 2 comments · Aug 5, 2011 2:27am






giiaavannaa34 · 1 decade ago
this one is reallt good !! (:
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shopperchick33 · 1 decade ago
your a good writer(:
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