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 Chapter II Part II
“Hello,” Dr. Graham bluntly greeted me. I searched his face for any sign of emotion, but found none. He made no eye contact, and he was clearly reading something interesting on his clipboard. “I am Dr. Graham, and I’m just going to take a look, and see how you’re doing.” He continued, with a noticeable amount of enthusiasm.
“He-” My voice broke, so I cleared my throat. “Hello, Dr. Graham.” I said weakly. He looked up from his clipboard, and mumbled something under his breath.
“What’s wrong with me?” I asked, not realizing how hoarse and weak I sounded. Hearing it with my own ears made it sound like someone else, and not me.
He just stared at me… as if it was something I should know. “You just woke up from a minor coma.” He began. His eyes darted from the clipboard, then back to me. “You have a bruised kidney, and you had a major concussion to the head, thus your coma.”
I took it all in. Coma? Concussion? Bruised kidney? It took every fiber of my being not to cry.
“But, how did this happen?” I asked with a shaky voice. The kind of voice that makes your throat ache.
“A very serious car crash.” He replied, almost casually. “Apparently, an 18-wheeler totaled your small Ford.”
My small ford? No. It was Drew’s. “No. There was someone else in the truck with me.” I almost yelled. I bit down on my lip, an old habit of mine, to calm myself. The doctor nodded, in agreement. I raised my eyebrow, growing impatient for a response.
“Yes, we did, in fact find a young man who was also in the car.” He replied, after an almost too long pause.
“And… is he... is he okay?” I could barely bring myself to say it. My heart was pounding in my chest. It was almost so loud, I was sure Dr. Graham, who had now moved from the doorway to my bedside, could hear it.
The doctor looked down. This wasn’t good. “He is still being held in the hospital,” He began, rather slowly. He drew a deep breath, before continuing. “Unfortunately, his chances of surviving are on the slim side.”
His chances are surviving are on the slim side. My long, somewhat relieved breaths became short, quick breaths. Tears that had welled up in my eyes began to roll down my freckled cheeks. I couldn’t live without him. He was my everything. He is my everything. ♥

Feedback? More to come, hopefully tomorrow! :) ♥


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Imperfection Chapter II Part II “Hello,” Dr. Graham

7 faves · 1 comments · Aug 3, 2011 6:41pm






_DearWitty_ · 1 decade ago
LOVE it!
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