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  Hard Knock Life
~Chapter One
"No Selina, I don't feel like going to the beach today. I still don't feel good." I replied to Selina's begging over the phone. I was looking for something to wear in my walk in closet when my Blackberry rang and sure enough, it was Seli with plans for the day.
"Jess come on! You need to get out. I've hardly seen you since..." she trailed off. I knew what she meant though, ever since my break up with Jerrid I've been a complete mess. I did my best to get over him, after all it was only 3 months that we had gone out, but everyone was telling me he was my first love, and it was true. No one made me feel the way he did.
"Sel... ugh, okay maybe. What were you planning on doing to-"
"Yay! That's my Jess! Okay meet us at Starbucks in an hour." she cut me off, totally thrilled.
"Okay okay, what do I all need to bring... wait us?" I asked.
"Yeah, our group hangouts, like we always used to do." I could hear her pouting over the phone.
"Alright," I sighed. "We're going to the beach though right?"
"You bet girl! bring your cutest bikini and that sexy body of yours!"
"Alright Seli, as you wish." I laughed and hung up.
Now I really needed to find something to wear. I sat in my closet for a couple more minutes then decided on my white Hollister short shorts, a bright blue tub top with sequence and my purple string bikini that complimented my tan. I applied some water proof eye liner and mascara. I kept my dark brown hair naturally straight and glanced in the mirror, and sighed. Jessica Gilbert, Preston High's junior golden girl as of September. I had always been the popular one, the one that every guy wanted to date and every girl felt superior if they made it with our group. But with great popularity comes drama and heartbreak. Her family was rich because her mom was a nurse and her dad deals drugs. Neither of them are home very often so it was just her and her black lab Sahara. I glanced one more time in the mirror and left to Starbucks which was only a few blocks away. I scanned the place and smiled when I found my friends. All of my closest friends were there, Selina, Toria, Nathan, Amanda, Josh and Keith.
They all smiled and signaled me to come over, and once I got there it was hug after hug.
"Oh my gosh girl, it feels like forever since we seen you!" screeched Toria with pure joy.
The guys came and gave me hugs too but before me and Nathan hugged we just looked at eachother. It used to be really awkward between us because we were best friends, then we dated and broke up later so we didn't know how to react around eachother. But we were clear of that now.
"Missed yah Jess, you little devil." he chuckled messing up my hair and pulling me in for a hug. I smiled at everyone, it felt good to be reunited again.
"So, where to now?" I asked.

-I know boring start D: but I had to get some of the details in:) I hope you enjoy it as it gets more exciting. Like? Comment? Follow? :) 
Thanks you readers!:)

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Hard Knock Life ~Chapter One "No Selina, I don't feel

2 faves · Aug 3, 2011 1:46pm






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