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Does She Look At You The Way I Do?

Chapter 3

Celia's POV

         When I had to say that he's only my best friend, that's when I realized it. Me and Mike would make a really good couple...
        No. I can't think like that. Mike is my best friend. That's it. It's not like he'd ever want to be more. Besides, I like Tyler. He's perfect, he's really nice and extremely hot and I could talk to him about a lot of things. He made me feel special. Sure, he was a little of a player, but I can change him. I know it. 
        After school I met up with him. He asked me to go to dinner with him tonight. He said he had an important question to ask me. He was definitely going to ask me to be his girlfriend! I couldn't wait. I can't believe it, Tyler Hotly, the hottest guy in the school, just asked me out!
        Then he kissed me! I was so shocked, but he was an amazing kisser. Not sloppy, or rushed or anything. It was perfect, he just lightly kissed me for a few seconds. I couldn't believe it. I ran over to Mike and told him the good new. He looked really surprised, and he stormed off. Hm, that was weird. Whatever. I saw Anna and ran over to her and told her the good news. She was as ecstatic as I was, jumping around and squealing.
        "Oh my gosh! We can totally double date sometime!!" She was dating the kid Tom, Mike's friend. They've been dating for over a year, and everyone thought they'd get married.
        "Yeah, that would be really fun! But I should get home, see you later!" I ran to my car to get ready for tonight.
        When I got home I decided to shower and curl my hair. After that I picked out what I was wearing. He said to dress a little fancy but not too much. I found a pretty dress, and some heels, earrings, a necklace, and a clutch to match. (
http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=34963602). I applied some makeup and I was ready to go. It was 7:00 so I headed downstairs.
        Tyler's brother picked me up a little after. He took me to an amazing Italian restaurant. We ordered our food and talked about little things, then after we ate we danced. At about 8:30 we sat back down because he said he wanted to talk.
        "So, Celia. Listen, I know that this is only our first date. But I've known you for 2 years, and I know your not like the other girls I've dated. Your a lot less uptight, you can joke around and your so easy to talk to. Also, your absolutely beautiful. I've never met anyone as stunning as you are. So, I was wondering if you want to be my girlfriend?"
        "Yes." I answered immediately. He was perfect, all of that was perfect. He ran over and scooped me up, and kissed me. Just like the first kiss, except a lot longer. When we finished the whole restaurant clapped. I blushed, and he noticed.
        "Your so cute when you blush," He said and kissed my cheek. This just caused me to blush more. He checked his phone and his brother was outside. He drove us home and he walked me to the door.
        "I had an amazing time tonight, Tyler. Thank you so much."
        "You don't have to thank me, it's my pleasure to get to be with you. Your not going to be like the others, Celia. I promise were going to last. I know it, and I won't hurt you." He kissed me, and it was perfect.
        "Goodnight," I said and pecked his cheek. I walked inside to tell my friends all about my night.

Things moving kinda quick, lol. Don't worry, it will get better.

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Does She Look At You The Way I Do? Chapter 3 Celia's POV

1 faves · Aug 2, 2011 2:01pm






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