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Not skinny not fat
Grl that falls for the trucka hat
Allz bout beach n the sun
*nd you nd havin fun*
mite be from hickzville
but Ive seen placez
been round and seen mani facez
grl witta attitude..like all the rest
but dis girl aint based on bein da best
dirty blonde hair w/ tha personality ta match
love da brownies… but aint bakin no batch
ima girl that loves ta ball it up wit tha fellaz
then turn round n get dun up wit tha bellaz
ive got this side that side oh and the otha
and I got that annoyin azz big brotha
im me n all I can be
what ya see is what ya get
uve heard all there is ta hear
so next time ya judge me think bout this
im nadda two timin witch or lil priss

written by me..dont steal and claim that yOo wrote it
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Not skinny not fat Grl that falls for the trucka hat Allz bout

1 faves · Jun 29, 2004 11:29am






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