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Why I made this account...

Hi there, I’m phoebe. And this is my ‘feel pretty’ account. On this account I go onto a random person’s account and I tell them a compliment about themselves, I mean what I say.  Someone recently asked me ‘why bother?’ So I thought I would tell you all why. When I was 6years old, I was diagnosed with cancer, and as soon as I was diagnosed, my dad walked out on me. It was all ‘too much’ for him. When I was 6-7 I was already thinking ‘why does god hate me?’ I got cancer-free, but with a large chance that I would get it again. When I was like 7, my mum and my step dad got married, and I was thinking ‘Yay! New daddy who might actually be nice.’ He abused me. All the time. 24/7.  And people always ask me ‘what about your mum? Didn’t she do something?’ She sat there and laughed while he hit me.  And then I was 11, and I started high school. (I’m English).  I was bullied, because I wasn’t ‘pretty enough’ for them. I was ‘too clever’ for them. It started out with just name calling, but then it got violent. I couldn’t go a day without being tripped over and kicked, or punched, or slapped, or hurt. I hated life. At 11, I was ready to die. I started cutting then. My older sister taught me how.  She was 13 at this time, and she was getting into drugs and alcohol, she wasn’t thinking straight. My step brothers  laughed at me and called me names, and when they found out about my cutting, they teased me about that too. I was desperate for someone, anyone, to talk to. Here I am now, I’m almost 14. I’ve tried to commit suicide so many times, I can’t even remember how many. I have depression, and I still cut. But you know what? Thanks to witty, it’s getting better. I don’t cut as much anymore, and I feel better about myself. The little comments I get saying ‘hey you’re really pretty’ or ‘I love your quotes’ make my day. And that’s why I made this account. You can talk to me. I won’t judge. I won’t tell anyone else. And I put on people’s profiles, those little things that made my day, can make there’s too. Everyone goes through rough patches in there lives. But suicide is not the answer. Cutting is not the answer. Putting yourself down is not the answer. I made this account so people don’t have to go through what I did. I know most people won’t read this, but for those who do, you’re beautiful. It doesn’t matter if they don’t think you’re gorgeous. I know you are. It doesn’t matter if you’re a nerd, hell, you’ll be a millionaire while they’re flipping burgers, it doesn’t matter. You’re perfect. Just the way you are.
(Please don't comment going i'm an attention seeker. i'll just delete it. this isn't for me.)

Stay beautiful.

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Why I made this account... Hi there, I’m phoebe. And this

17 faves · 2 comments · Jul 31, 2011 1:53pm






LoVeMeHaTeMe14 · 1 decade ago
I read this and started crying. NO ONE deserves what youve been through and your only 14. Im relieved your doing better though. Your going to help everyone out but if you need someone to talk to, Im here. Its good to have someone you dont know to talk to cause your secrets are always safe. You are beautiful inside and out and no matter what anyone says that will always be truue. StayStrong (:
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bvbtbslove123 · 1 decade ago
I'm deeply sorry about your childhood. you didn't deserve that at all.
you are beautiful no matter what. keep your head up and keep smiling gorgeous (:
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