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You Never Know Who's Watching
Chapter 4

I wonder what hes thinking...

The girl he likes, grinding on one of his friends. Well you know what he deserves it. Pssh you like me, but you cant come over and say hi? Like whats that about?
I broke eye contact with him again. I kept dancing cus i was having a good time with Carter. When the song ended we went to get some drinks.
"Haha so how ya been Kayla?" He asked me.
"Pretty good, what bout you?" I said
"Eh i could be better." He said.
"Well whys that?" I asked him interested. Maybe it had to do with his ex?
"Ever since Kelsey disappeared i haven't been myself, you know?" He said. Omg i remember now, around the end of the school year last year his girlfriend went missing. They found her two weeks later in the forest, dead. How could i forget something like that?
"Yeah, I'm so sorry Carter." I hugged him.
"Its ok, I'm learning that you just have to keep living your life. You cant stop faith." I looked up at him. He seemed ok, i guess hes ready to start over again.
"Well lets have some fun then, cheer you up." I smiled. "Its better then being all sad and stuff."
He nodded in agreement. We talked for a while, it was really nice having someone other then Lyric to talk to about stuff. We both had alot of problems but mine were mini, he got the trophy for worst high school years ever. We decided to go outside and swing on the swings, it was quieter out here.
Thats when i got the feeling again, like someone was watching.
"Do you ever get that feeling like someones watching you?" I asked Carter.
"Yeah, and you look around but no one is?" He said surprising me.
"Yeah, i kinda have that feeling right now." I whispered.
"I do too, but its ok ill protect you if something happens." He looked at me and winked. I smiled at him.
"You have a beautiful smile, just saying." He said, i laughed.
"Thanks." He kept on looking at me, i noticed he kept getting closer. I started swinging high, and my heel flew off. I laughed so hard.
"I'll get it" He said and grabbed it, "It was hanging on the edge of the pool, your lucky it didnt fall in." He said laughing. He put it on my foot, which made me feel special. He stood up and looked at me, i wanted to start swinging again but he was right in front of me.
Thats when i noticed he was starting to lean in.

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You Never Know Who's WatchingChapter 4I wonder what hes thinking...The

3 faves · 1 comments · Jul 31, 2011 1:07pm






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