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Can somebody please tell me how to loose 20 pounds? Whenever i try it i can never stick to my plan:/
If you can tell me youd make me so happy, and ill help you out with anything. I'm great with talking to people(:
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Can somebody please tell me how to loose 20 pounds? Whenever

0 faves · 1 comments · Jul 25, 2011 5:36pm






Ralph* · 1 decade ago
Here's a tip: Find a shirt that you think is absolutely GORGEOUS and too small for you. Let's say that it's 1 size too small for you. Take that amazing shirt and put it somewhere where you'd always look, such as your bedroom door or your wall. Then, every week, on maybe Saturdays, you'd try on the shirt, and see if you've made any progress. Maybe its less tight than it was the week before. Then, pick a date when you want to wear it. It can be a party to your first day of school. And ALWAYS measure your weight when you do this. You'll feel so much better doing that and knowing you're making progress. Good luck!
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