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I just need a moment to vent...

How could you? You cheated on her with ME. Any other girl, and you picked ME. Im done. Your gravity is pulling my heart down, down so far I can barely feel it beating. I loved you. LOVED, meaning my heart will go on. She's 18 AND GRADUATED. We're meerly SENIORS. Keep her. I cant believe there was even a time when I was jealous of her. What makes her so damn special? I dont see it. And obviously the world cant either. Im so successful in this life atm, I dont need someone so spineless to hold me down.

This will be MY year, and there's no U in ME.

I will donate everything you've ever given me to charity, because like Corey took you from me, its always good to recycle the things you DONT want to the less fortunate.

Yeah. I went there.

Im done being silent about my feelings. They've been building and building for a year now.
I will not be silent.
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I just need a moment to vent... How could you? You cheated on

2 faves · 2 comments · Jul 24, 2011 12:49am






JoniBoo94 · 1 decade ago
No sadly. When we broke up, he went to her. But then he cheated on her with me.

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spelloutMichal · 1 decade ago
dont you mean he cheated on you with her?
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