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I really hate it when people say 'oh your a goth' or 'stupid creepy cutting emo' because what do they have against them emos are really nice and cool when you KNOW them same with goths I love everyone apart from those snobby b*tchs that say mean things about people (who dosen't) Punk,Emo,Goth,Scene are all people. DO NOT judge them for who they are or want to be. If you do this your just a jealous snob and can never see true beauty in anything, If you don't see beauty in them they won't see it in you. Just a Vent! kimiHEAT. Fave if you have a heart

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You don't have to read this I really hate it when people

5 faves · 2 comments · Jul 23, 2011 11:45am






kimiHEAT · 1 decade ago
yes my b*tch u r :L
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kiki11050 · 1 decade ago
i think im in trouble:/:L..
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