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lost hope
chapter 17.

"Noo..." I shook my head,'I'll tell him to explain to me. Goodnight." I walked to Genesis's other Full bed, and fell asleep. 
I woke up around 8:30 A.M. Everyone else was already asleep, so I tip-toed over to where I left my dress, and put it on, and left Genesis's PJ's on the chair. I tiptoed down the stairs, and out of the house. I sighed, and walked to my house. Stupid life. When something good happens, you just have to ruin it for me! I lifted up or mat, and pulled out the spare key. I opened the door, and stepped inside. I glaced at my phone. 3 missed calls from: Mom. Ooops.. I didn't tell her I was sleeping over. "Honey where were you?" my mom had her hands on her hips. "Sleeping over at Genesis's house. Heartbreak mom." I push passed her, and slammed my door . 
Serenity : Meeet me at the park in 10 min.
ColeLuvsYou: About?
Serenityy: JUST GO.
ColeLuvsYou: Y so early?
ColeLuvsYou: All right..

Did I do something that made him hate me? I put on a black top, and jean short, along with 3 bracelets. I grabbed my phone, and started walking to the park. I sat down on a bench, and start playing a game with my phone. "Hey." Cole t down next to me.  "Hi." I mumbled. "How you been?" "Why didn't you show up?" "I've been grea--" " WHY'D YOU KISS HER ??!?!" "Calm down." "I ACTUALLY THOUGH YOU LOVED ME!" I stood up with tears. "He stood up, his face inches from mine. He tossed his head back, and laughed. "You though I loved you?!?!?" he d laughig harder. "Yeah.." I murmured. "I never loved you! I only asked you out to get near Trisha! She's been my love forever. NOT YOU!" I starred at him, with hurt in my eyes. I turned around and ran home. By now, I think I've Lost Hope.

Format credit : peanut43998\
Really hope you liked it! Should I do a sequel?

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lost hope chapter 17. "Noo..." I shook my head,'I'll

4 faves · 1 comments · Jul 19, 2011 7:03pm






amandamccann · 1 decade ago
awesome story!! you should so do a sequel!
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