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lost hope
chapter 15.

Hanging out with Trisha and Elliot was actually really fun. They didn't make me feel like a third wheeler, and they didn't kiss in front of me, to get me uncomfortable, but the whole time, I was thinking about Cole.
"ALL RIGHT!" the principal yelled through the mic,"THIS IS IT! OUR KING AND QUEEN OF THE 2O11 MID - SPRING DANCE!" everyone cheered, and a few people let out whistles. "Ok, so our king is," he opened the first envelope,"Woah! Our king for this years, 2O11 Mid Spring Dance, is, Cole Mitchells!" The whole crowd cheered, looking around for Cole. Out of the blue, Cole stepped onto the stage. He was here? "Thank you!" he waved to the crowd, as they put the crown on him. That means I could get to be queen!! "Now this was all on the matter of votes, and the nominees, so this years 2O11 Richfard queen for the Mid Spring Dance is... TRISHA TRUONG!!!!" The whole crowd went while. Trisha was shocked, and Elliot had a priceless look on his face. She turned and kissed Elliot, and the whole crowd awed. Then she stepped on stage, and stood next to Cole. She waved at me, and said something to Cole. He rolled his eyes and shrugged. I turned to Elliot who was shuffling his feet. "You ok?" I asked. "Uh.. yeah. Course." he nodded. I can't believe Cole was here, and he didn't come pick me up, or looked for me, or anything! "Well this is a dance right?" the principal asked,"The king and queen should share a dance, right?" The crowd erupted in 'whoops' and 'yeahs'! Trisha had a sour look on her face, and Elliot was still shuffling his feet. She looked at Elliot, and then at me. I shrugged. Cole grabbed her hand, and pulled her to the dance floor. He put his hands on her hips, and she put her arms around his neck. They swayed back and forth for a while, and when the song was over, he planted his lips onto hers, and she didn't pull away. I looked over to Elliot, but he was gone. I saw his face through the cafeteria doors. He left. Trisha realized what she was doing, and pulled away. "No, I can't do this." she ran off the dance floor, and out the cafeteria doors. "ELLIOT!" she called.  Ohmigosh... This is a disaster. They can't break up! They've been dating for about 5 years! They were childhood lovers! They can't let some stupid dance get in the way of that. I sighed, and looked at Cole. Hurt in my eyes. He saw me starring at him. He avoided contact, and walked off, to a bunch of friends. "Serenity what is going on?!?" Naomi asked, running up to me. Genesis walked over. "No way.." she said, wide eyed. I was on the verge of bursting into tears, but I held myself together. "I don't know." I shrugged, looking down at the ground.

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lost hope chapter 15. Hanging out with Trisha and Elliot was

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