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And our story started at the lake. I thought you were perfectt. you were cute and you were someone i could see myself with. We hung out the whole entire day telling eachother stuff about ourselves and getting to know aloot. I fell for you that day and when you walked me to the car you gave me  our first kiss.. And the next day we text alll day and accidently you sent a message with your signiture on. And it says Miranda<3
i ask what its about and you say you never had one. So i fwd it and say whats this about?
and you say well...i have a girlfriend.
Now your mad because you have lost me..
Boo you can blame yourself for this one because unlike you i dont have a boyfriend while im sitting here saying alll this stuff.
I might of thought you were perfect but ask me if i still do and ill say nope and prolly never talk to you again.
People make mistakes you say and "me cheating was one of them." Boo cheating isnt a mistake its a made decission because no one can make it for you.
And my mistake was believein someone i only knew for a day. <3
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And our story started at the lake. I thought you were perfectt.

0 faves · Jul 18, 2011 8:46pm




