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I just got outta a BADD relationship.. 6 months of on again off again, we never lasted more than a week.. But I'm over him.. honestly am, he has a new love.. and I'm happy for the kid[:

I met this boy, a few weeks ago, we talked for like 5 minutes,  he was beyond beautiful, inside and out..
lastnight, we saw eachother again.. he begged me for my number, and we texted until 5:30 in the morning. he called me: Baby girl, babe, sweetheart,, or beautiful girl.. in every message.. but.. we just really started talking lastnight... and we barley talked today, does he really like me... or just kinda felt bad?://

I have Horrid luck with boys... and have NO clue how to flirt, (:

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I NEED ADVICE: I just got outta a BADD relationship.. 6 months

3 faves · 4 comments · Jul 17, 2011 12:03am






fwoop · 1 decade ago
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caylii144 · 1 decade ago
thankss, Oh sooo muchh<3 Any other advice?(:

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fwoop · 1 decade ago
well hun , you just met this guy right ,
you should first off get to know him , talk to him more, maybe plan to see eachother again .
before you start to fall for this guy , and or start to believe he truley likes you. get to know him, im sure you guys will start out to be amazing friends, he sounds like a sweetie .
& dont think you have horrid luck with boys, because one day . you will find someone , and you will run into a few other boyuus to be in a relationship with for a while. (:

& im glad youre moving on , & that youre happy for your ex.
btw; im sorry to hear about the on & off that was happening.

i hope things work out between you & that qtt . <3
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VoLLEyBaLLChIcK808 · 1 decade ago
well ive been with people like that and its not that he feels bad or anything he probly just wants to get it with you orrrr he really likes you but befor you get all cutie with him if i were you i would get serious and ask him if its fake between you too or if he really likes you... don't be shy to askkk (:
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