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I'm on the phone with my Ex right now...  
We broke up because I thought he cheated on me with this girl, Jen,  that he hangs out with more than me, that he's ditched me to hang out with her twice before.. that he flirts with over status's, likes all of her photo's.. Calls her cute, has her over to his house alone.. They use to have a thing, me and him use to be just bestfriends, we'd still flirt, but I'd tell him all about my guy troubles, and he would his girl troubles and we'd give each other advise... He told me about how he liked Jen. How she was a year younger, how he madeout with her and it was 'so great', eventually he stopped talking about Jen.  Then we started flirting more, and saying I love you to each other, just joking around. Somewhere in the middle it became serious..  Then we started dating, and we were together for the longest time.. And he would come put his arms around me and pull me closer... And he'd play with my hair...  He was so great to me.. Then he started talking about Jen again. ALL THE TIME. And he'd tell me about wrestling with her, and how she makes him laugh, and he ditched me one day and had her over instead, and then after, he texted me about how much fun they had! What the fuu*ck! He likes about all of her wall posts.  So we got into a fight. A big fight. The next day I found out he smokes behind my back... I broke up with him and said we were nothing.. A few days later he sent me a message sayin " You don't have to say anything back, but I wont be able to sleep if I don't say it, I've neer gone a day without saying it until now.. I love you.. " We started talking again the next day. He said he'd quit smoking for me. He said he loed me, and only me. He started calling me babe again and saying sweet things, and the butterflys came back, more than ever.. And then, on one on those 'Like my status' things,  he said he'd kiss Jen!! After he'd spent so much time convincing me he would never, that the though of kissing her was gross, he only wanted me... Is it bad that this is upsetting to me. ? I can't do this anymore..  And he's talking about her agin.  What should I do.. ? I don't wanna lose him, he's my bestfriend.. </3 
Help.. ? 

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I'm on the phone with my Ex right now... We broke up because

0 faves · 2 comments · Jul 15, 2011 12:33am






ArtisticlyAbled25 · 1 decade ago
I was in the exact same situation, Try to tell him you dont like how he hangs out with the other girl soo, much. if that doesnt work, its not worth it, he was your best friend. he should know whats hurts you

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lalatokyo · 1 decade ago
He's not worth it if he leads you on like that. It would be hard to be friends like before cause of how you feel towards him but you can always try and hope for the best.
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