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The power to push yourself through a series of blows is strength.
        The power to get up off your knees after a blow is determination
                The power to survive many fights, arguments, and tears is love
                        The power to survive weekends apart, days alone is to be in love
The power to show someone you like them is courage
        The power to tell someone your feelings is confidence
                The power to show your not afraid of the truth is courageousness
But what is power?
                  Power is being able to place yourself in a situation that you are unable to control.
                  And in the case of my love for my girlfriend i have the strength to love her, the determination to stay in love with her, the courage to be confident with her, and the power to maintain courageousness  inside the relationship...
-from JAMES once more
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The power to push yourself through a series of blows is strength.

1 faves · Jul 12, 2011 6:57pm






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