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Since day one of school of pre-K i've been the outcast. The one who follows rules, the one who respects adults, the one with long thick black hair and the tallest out of the group. I was hates by my peers,  not a single friend to the fifth grade, but my peers werent the only ones who hated me, some adults had hated me.  Second grade, a teacher who told me i would never amount to anything.  Fourth grade, a teacher who hated me, nothing i did was right from the way i walked, to the way how i talked, the way i knew things that she didnt, she always belittled me. The girl who loved dragons, yu-gi-oh cards, and hated to wear skirts. The girl who's smile  always stayed hidden to prevent kids making fun of her wavy ended teeth with the extremely large canine teeth. The girl who hated to stay inside and loved to play sports and be the only girl to play with the boys in gym.  Sixth grade, i was the only one to be yelled at everyday, to be corrected everyday, to be humiliated everyday by a teacher. The one friend i made, began to think she was better then me, because the teacher would go "wilmarie got a 82 on the test and megan got 100" and she began to treat me like an idioit and wouldnt want anyone else to be my friend. I told her i didnt want to be her friend anymore, and she cried and ran out of the room. The next day, everyone was beating be up because "i screamed and yelled and beat up megan" which i never did. Later that day, her mom demanded me to go to their home along with my mom. I went, and i was forced to apologize to her, and become her friend again. As the years went on, the torment got worse, boys would pretend to like me only to humiliate me or do it for money as a dare. Then, high school came. I dressed nicely and all i heard was "you do know thats for skiny people right?" My long black hair was cut short or put into a pony tail when possible, which was all the time. My sweet and kind nature hid under a mad and gloomy outer shell. The so called friend who treated me like a stupid person, still streated me this way, until, she got a boy friend. The moment she got one, it was always "wilmarie why dont you lose a little weight, then boys will be attracted to you" or "why dont you wear tighter clothing or shorting pants or something." The other friends i had, had boy friends as well, and it was the same sh*t that came from them. Everything was bad, everything was wrong. And now summer is here, yet its still the same, being picked on at work, hearing how i have to lose weight, how i'm anti social.
Soicity looks down apon the things that are weird or strange, or demented
but we have yet to realize that sometimes we create what we look down on.
My smile, holds a frown.
My eyes, hold tears forced to kept it and never let out,
My hateful shell, hold a true kind nature
I'm hated for who i truely am, but yet i'm hated for trying to hide it.

Even here i cant find any sancuary.
 This maybe long, but its worth it.
I know i'm not the only one with this childhood. 

Just so at least some know my side of the story, 
instead of keeping it all hidden away.

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Outcast Since day one of school of pre-K i've been the outcast.

2 faves · 1 comments · Jul 12, 2011 2:56pm






stephaniee2252 · 1 decade ago
HONESTLY....way to long to read.

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